Our lawyers have extensive experience in representing both debtors and creditors in Otzaa Le Poal.
We will also help you in writing off debts or bankruptcy, in settling cases in the Judicial Enforcement Service (Otzaa Le Poal), in negotiations with creditors about debt settlement, in removing arrests from bank accounts and salaries, etc.
Call our lawyer specializing in debt relief or bankruptcy or leave your details.
We will contact you and together we will choose the best way for a speedy return to normal life!
Representation of debtors in the Judicial Enforcement Service (Otzaa Le Poal)
Списание долгов, Объединение дел (Ихуд Тиким), Банкротство, Переговоры с кредиторами об урегулировании долга, Снятие арестов с банковских счетов и зарплаты.
Debt collection
Взыскание долгов по чекам и векселям, Досудебное урегулирование споров, Исполнительное производство.
Collection of alimony
Взыскание долгов по алиментам на детей и супругу/а.